Dry Eye Questionnaire

Dry Eye Questionnaire

Please answer the following questions by checking the box that best represents your answer. Select only one answer per question.

Physical Signs

1. Do you experience EYE DISCOMFORT?

a. During a typical day in the past month, how often did your eyes feel discomfort?

b. When your eyes felt discomfort, how intense was this feeling of discomfort at the end of the day, within two hours of going to bed? (Required)

2. Do you experience EYE DRYNESS?

a. During a typical day in the past month, how often did your eyes feel dry? (Required)

b. When your eyes felt dry, how intense was this feeling of dryness at the end of the day, within two hours of going to bed? (Required)

3. Do you have WATERY EYES?

During a typical day in the past month, how often did your eyes look or feel excessively watery? (Required)​​​​​​​

​​​​​​​Your Score:

Want to discuss your score? Leave us your info!

Our team will contact you to discuss your results within 24-48 business hours. You can also call the office and ask them to check up your results as well.

First Name:

Last Name:

